SBPS School Gallery


SBPS School Gallery 〰️

June 2023

From TV appearances,  sports days, blitzes, awards ceremonies, school tours, projects, trails, gardening and graduations to name a few, June activities just kept on coming.  It was a busy month but a thoroughly enjoyable one as can be seen below. 

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Ms. Whittle, Ms. Nugent and the Sunshine suite went litter picking. 

Mr. Dunne produced a fabulous St. Brigid’s cloak with his class using paper collage technique.

Members of the Chess team had a great time participating in Féile Fichille in Scoil Bhríde

Fifth class are beginning their cycle training programme with Cycle Right.

Hurlers from Senior Infant’s training to the big kids in St. Brigid’s Park

Ms. O Callaghan’s class went back in time to the Stone Age to learn more about the culture of that time. 

Sixth class were given a tour of the church by Fr Andy in preparation for the confirmation this year. 

Ms. Ryan’s class had great fun in preparation for Halloween

Ms. Hogan’s class were very busy this term learning how to draw one point perspective autumn hayfields and how to make different tones of blue while painting their haunted houses.