Green Schools

Teachers and members of the Green School committee were presented with an award by Mr Fleming

We won our 6thGreen Flag this year.  This flag is a renewalflag.   It is called GlobalCitizenship/Litter and Waste.  Our work focused aroundraising awareness on how looking after our environment aids people all over theworld.  We helped the children to see the connection between our actionsin Ireland and how they affect people in other countries, especially inrelation to waste and litter.

We promoted and facilitated active citizenship through our letter writing (wewrote a letter to the BOM asking them to research the possibility of heatingthe school through the use of solar panels and one to many of the teachersasking them to consider using a keep-cup, when they get takeawaycoffee/tea.)  We also engaged in community litter picking and learnedabout the Global Goals.

All the while, we try to turn off lights and lap tops when notin use and continue to recycle in every classroom and separate waste before itis taken to the outside bins.  We note that soft plastic can berecycled now and try to keep key messages at the forefront of the minds ofstudents and the whole school community.


Intergenerational project


Cumann na mBunscoil Champions